There has been a lot of talk regarding the deception found in marketing tactics to lure the shopper to purchase items that they think are good for them. Much time and attention to the tiniest detail is put in advertising and packaging to lure the prospective buyer. One of the newest things are the wonders of blueberries and all the great things that they do for us. So now when you go shopping you see pictures of beautiful blueberries on many packages that look so delicious and healthy. However, when you read the label of ingredients, many times the ONLY blueberry thing in there is Artificial flavor and color. Hit the gong... wake up!! What seemed to be healthy is now a death trap. Why hasn't the FDA stepped in and prevented such deception? How can they target their market to human lives? Well - the FDA sometimes does step in and measures and made for the company to change their labels or packaging and to not be so deceptive, but the best thing for consumers everywhere is to READ the Labels.. don't go by appearance only. And even the best of the best products can never even come close to being as good as the REAL thing.
All of this got me thinking about our Christian walk. Is our label saying Christian with a lot of artificial additives? Are we failing to walk the walk and talk the talk? Are we accepting substitutions when we can have the REAL thing? Are we allowing our freedoms and rights to be taken away from us as our spiritual health fails because we are not nutritionally sound because we have been weaned from the true bread and from the whole milk? The Holy Ghost is our FDA agent and regulation.. Are we full of FDA?
F = Faith, D = Devotion, A = Adoration.
I know that I for one, want to be the REAL THING!!
~ Sis. Lisa Peter
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