Virtual Theme Park for the Apostolic Pentecostal Church

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pray = communication

Lisa Anne Kelley Peter in response to someone's post about why worry to the point of getting sick over a situation when it is out of our control anyway? .....

same as with "why pray?" God already knows everything and has it in control anyway. however, He likes for us to pray, and so when we have stuff that makes us worry, we get to pray about it. He likes to hear our voice and likes us for us to listen to His still small voice as well.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bro. Neil asked at the end of service if anyone had anything they would like to say, and I shared my thought - that I also plan to put on my podcast (hazelwoodusa). About how we all want to be like the Eagle, to wait upon the Lord and have renewed strength and mount up like on wings of eagles. But it isn't possible for us to always stay at that elevation. Sometimes we are more like the Sparrow. However, we must never forget that even the Sparrow's are being watched out for by the Lord. His eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watches me! Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without our Father knowing. TYJ!
This is Bro. John ( the minister that came to us today from New Friendship to fill in for Bro. Randy being gone). He preached from Exodus 14:14-17 and Hebrews 11 - about Faith. He only spoke about 10 minutes, but he was crying when he first took the pulpit because we had just finished singing Amazing Grace and he said that song always makes him cry because now he understands not just in the spiritual sense about being blind but now also in the physical and that we take for granted our eye site. It was quite touching. But his message about Faith was short but powerful. His wife and four young ladies were there to give him support. One was Macee Payne. Karen and Elaine were very happy to see her.
It was a good service.
This is a picture of me that I took when I got back home after church. I thought my hair turned out good like this and so I wanted to take a pic. I like the clothes too. :>

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I said the pledge of allegiance today. - during prayer I walked past our family altar where there is a patriotic quilt and I stopped at the quilt and put my hand on my heart and said the Pledge of Allegiance. I plan on saying it every day as I pray for the United States of America. God bless the USA

A beautiful Image of His Love

Today during prayer, as I was praying for my grandson Israel, my face just lit up and I was all happy in my heart with beautiful thoughts of him and how sweet he is. What joy he brings to our lives. - My thought immediately went to the fact that this is exactly how I hope God feels when He thinks about me or looks upon me. That I will bring happiness and delight that He created me. That I will be a beautiful image of His love. That when He looks at me and says "well done" it will really be like talking to Himself, because He will have been the one who molded and shaped and created me to be all that I could be for His honor, love and glory. He will see Himself because I will have become just like Him. - years ago I wrote a poem called "beautiful Images of His Love" and it is exactly this very concept.
Continue to mold and make me in Your Will. I want to die to myself, my selfishness, my pettiness, my emptiness and be just like You, Heavenly Father.

Sis. Lisa Peter, HazelwoodUsa popcast... blog.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Miracles are happening at Hopewell and in Chester County TN

I have been witnessing great miracles at Hopewell missionary Baptist church. A church that is led by Pentecostals and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amy and Jerry Kinchen and their family has now began coming back and I told Amy I just lit up with happiness when I saw them come back and she said "it feels like home". TYJ I also saw Summer Maples walk over to the other side of the church yesterday and sit with Kindyl - so we are starting to get a youth group. Nathan, Gavin, Hunter are and have been great friends for a long time and they sit together. Miranda and Ethan sat with their grandma Nancy. Sandy and Randy have several grandkids that are of various ages and so the church is getting a range in age, not just old people. TYJ.
Yesterday Bro. Randy was really in a lot of pain with a kidney stone but persisted on preaching and God touched him and took the pain away. After I sang "He knows Exactly what I need" at the end of service Kim asked for everyone to go to the altar and pray for Bro. Randy, most everyone did and then we hugged those around us when we were through. Just a real sweet spirit of the Lord there.
Bro. Randy had told us earlier about how the food bank was needing 25 shopping carts to do the food distribution next month, he had thought he would have to get five from one grocery store and 4 from another, etc because Henderson doesn't have that many options. but he didn't tell us how, but somehow Hopewell now owns 28 shopping carts. God provided the need.

The Pentecostals of Henderson aka Christ Community Church is under transition waiting on a new Pastor. I don't know what God has in store for CCC, but I do know that it will all be part of the Hazelwood USA plan of things. I know that God is going to have a great revival in this area and that all of these things are working together for His glory.